Friday 6 February 2015

Your Love Horoscope for tomorrow 7th February

Here is your love Horoscope for tomorrow 7 February... All Zodiac signs with its own message on relationship. So find yours.
Read it after the cut

Aries Mar 21- Apr 19: If you are entertaining some very inflexible views about a certain issue, then it may be better if you could try and bend them a little. You can keep this charade up ad infinitum, and nothing will change between you. But if you can bear to alter your attitude on just the smallest of details, this could make quite a difference.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20:You may find you have bitten off more than you can chew today. If you have just become involved in a new relationship, you may be regretting the haste with which you entered into it, as one or two issues may now have become glaringly obvious and will definitely have to be discussed. The sooner you can do this without causing offence, the better.

Gemini May 21- Jun 20:You are generally far too aware of the waste of time and energy that goes into petty disagreements. However, you may have to get at least one thing straight today. If someone close to you insists upon stepping over a certain line, when you have repeatedly told them not to, then they only have themselves to blame. They have been duly warned.

Cancer Jun 21- Jul 22: Getting the right perspective before you embark on a serious conversation with your partner (current or prospective) is absolutely essential. You have quite a lot of issues to work through, and just diving straight in is not the solution. You both need to approach this in a heart-centered way and be kind to each other. This could bring about more positive changes than you can imagine.

Leo Jul 23- Aug 22: It may be best not to tackle that particular topic of conversation today, as neither you nor your partner (current or prospective) will feel able to do it justice. You could find yourselves getting irritated over small issues, or even by a lack of flexibility in your attitude that detracts from the overall picture. It is worth waiting another day, when you will be more successful.

Virgo Aug 23- Sept 22: The celestial alignment may encourage you to speak more rashly than perhaps you need to concerning an issue between you and your partner (current or prospective). If you are feeling irritable, it may be best to weigh your words before actually coming out with them, as you may inadvertently hurt the one you love. Just be aware that you could start an argument when, in all honesty, it is really not warranted.

Libra Sept 24- Oct 22: You may find it more difficult to come out with something that needs to be said than you would normally. You feel you should be able to say it with no bother at all. Yet deep down, you also know that it will mean a lot to your partner (current or prospective) to hear these words, and so you are holding back.

Scorpio Oct 23- Nov 21: This is the ideal day to arrange a get-together with those you love most. There is a lot of warmth and genuine good humor around that will inspire everyone to want to give the best of themselves. If you are looking for a new relationship, then don't stay in reading; get out and get talking to as many people as you can.

Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 21: If you are out on a first date tonight, it will be great fun, with a lot of bizarre and philosophical topics of conversation thrown in. But don't expect to feel any great depth of emotion, at least not yet. This may start off more on the intellectual than the feeling level, but that doesn't mean that it won't get any deeper.

Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 19: This is not so much a day for whispering passionate sweet nothings into the ears of your darling loved ones. But it is quite definitely a good time to go out on a date, or go to a party or any kind of gathering or social occasion. If your love life is non-existent right now, this may get it moving.

Aquarius Jan 20- Feb 18: The astral energy liberates you from some of the trying times you have been through recently. If you have the chance to go out to a party, then make it a priority, as the conversation and wonderful atmosphere will do much to cheer your spirits. If you are dating someone new, then you will have a great evening, with just the kind of conversation you enjoy.

Pisces Feb 19- Mar 20: You may have to tread very carefully as far as a certain topic of conversation is concerned. Your partner (current or prospective) may be willing to go halfway toward an amicable discussion, but after this things could become decidedly difficult. It may be best, if at all possible, to leave this for another day, as neither of you are communicating at your best right now.


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