Wednesday 4 February 2015

Bobby Brown and Nick Gordon fights at Bobbi Kristina's bedside

While Bobbi Kristina is fighting for her life, her family is in turmoil, a source tells exclusively. Her father, Bobby Brown, and partner, Nick Gordon, are at each other’s throats, while a new report claims her aunt, Pat Houston, has a restraining order against Nick. Find out all the details.
A fight between Bobby Brown and Nick Gordon got so heated at Bobbi Kristina Brown‘s bedside that Tyler Perry had to step in and intervene. Bobby thinks Nick is responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s current condition — she’s currently in a medically-induced coma — while Nick thinks her dad is at fault.

“Bobby and Nick got into a shoving match and were cursing inside Bobbi Kristina’s room. Bobby accused Nick of enabling his daughter — he blames him for the predicament she’s in. That’s when Nick lost it. He got furious at Bobby and told him ‘Just because her mother’s family hates your guts and blames you for everything you put Whitney [Houston] through, doesn’t mean you have to take it out on me,'” a source tells EXCLUSIVELY.

Police allegedly found drugs in Bobbi Kristina’s home during a recent search, reports TMZ. However, E! claims that Roswell Police said they never went back to Bobbi Kristina’s house a second time.

“Bobby and Nick then started pushing each other. It got so bad that hospital security was called. But before they got there, Tyler had calmed both men down and separated them. Tyler’s a big dude and he talked to Nick outside the room and told him that Bobby was wrong for what he said. He then told Nick he was wrong as well. Tyler explained to Nick that everyone is just uptight right now. He then asked Nick if he would kindly go home for the day and come back tomorrow. Nick then left,” our source adds.

This is just so unfortunate. We’re sure everyone is looking for someone to blame, but hopefully, they can work things out and lean on each other instead of quarreling.

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