Saturday 7 February 2015

5 ways to seduce a man to get him attracted to you

Hey ladies here are tips on how to seduce a guy and at the end of the all plan he will be the one running after you... You dont have to be the one to ask him out if you do your job right. He will be head over heels attracted to you.
Read the tips after the cut


Everything starts with the eyes, ladies, and if you’ve never initiated #eye contact before, you should know that’s one of the first things you must do in order to seduce him. But how to seduce him this way exactly? Well, here’s how! First of all, let him notice that you’re looking at him and don’t look the other way when your #eyes meet. Let that visual bond last a few seconds than smile, look away for a second then #look at him again. From that moment and on, every #time you turn to him, you’ll see that he’s already looking your way!


Okay, well, you certainly have his #attention now but your work is far from done and there are a few more tricks on how to seduce him that I’d like to share. Now, #men apparently find hair very sexy and us playing with it even sexier so don’t be afraid to give your luscious lock a little twirl! You can do this just anytime – while trying to get him to notice you, on a date, even if you’re trying to rekindle old flames your long-term #relationship has been lacking lately.


Now it’s time to spread a little hope that the man have actually a chance on you. Send him little signs of interest from time to time that make him come forward:

  • Pick some fluff of his jacket (even if there is none!).
  • Face him directly and slightly lean forward every now and then.
  • Show unclenched hands. Play with your hair or caress other objects.
  • Push your fingers through your hair.
  • Wet and bite your lips from time to time


When you reach for something, try to accidentally touch his hand. Don’t make it too obvious. Also touch him briefly during the conversation to make a point or when he just made an interesting remark about something.
The secret is being playful with casually touches now and then. This creates tension and also a physical connection. And more importantly: it subconsciously communicates that you’re not interested in “only being friends”.


Men are automatically drawn towards women who seem happier and more fun to be with. A smiling, flirty woman is far more approachable than a surly, saggy woman. When you’re having a conversation with him, smile often. It’ll make you seem good natured and happy, which will draw him to you. But don’t overdo the smiling by making it obvious that you’ve got a thing for him. You’re trying to seduce him, not let him know you like him!

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