Sunday 18 January 2015

Multiple gunshots fired at US vice president Joe Biden's home

According to The Guardian US, the Secret Service said on Sunday that multiple gunshots were fired from a vehicle near the Delaware home of Vice-President Joe Biden on Saturday night. The vice-president and his wife, Dr Jill Biden, were not at home at the time of the shooting, authorities said.

The Wilmington home is several hundred yards from the main road from where the shots rang out, and authorities were searching outside the Biden residence and nearby houses to determine if any rounds hit anything. Police in New Castle County, Delaware, said there were no reports of any injuries related to the shooting.

Secret Service spokesman Robert Hoback said the shots were fired at about 8.25pm on a public road outside the secure perimeter near the home. The shots were heard by Secret Service personnel, who saw the vehicle drive past the home at a high rate of speed and flee the scene.

The Secret Service said about 30 minutes later, an individual in a vehicle tried to pass a county police officer securing the outer perimeter of the area. That person was arrested for resisting arrest and was scheduled to be questioned regarding the shooting incident. County police sergeant Jacob Andrews said it appeared the man was not involved in the shooting.

Biden’s neighbourhood includes stately stone-and-brick homes along a curving two-lane road that winds through rolling hills. Nestled in a heavily wooded area, the vice-president’s home is not visible from the main road. A small cottage, occupied by the Secret Service, sits on the property near a gate in front of the driveway that is blocked off by Secret Service vehicles and personnel.

Police said there was a report of shots fired in the nearby area of Hoopes Reservoir, just northwest of the Biden home. The reservoir is a source of fresh water for Wilmington.

Biden’s office said the vice-president and his wife were briefed on Saturday night, as was President Barack Obama. Biden’s office referred all other questions to the Secret Service.

The vice-president planned to speak on Monday in Wilmington at the Organisation of Minority Women’s Dr Martin Luther King Jr breakfast.

The Bidens spend many weekends at their Delaware home. While he served in the Senate, Biden frequently made a daily commute from Delaware to Washington by train.

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