Tuesday 10 February 2015

Your Love Horoscope for Today 10 February

Here is your love Horoscope for Tuesday 10 February... All Zodiac signs with its own message on relationship. So find yours below.
Read it after the cut

Aries Mar 21- Apr 19: This is the ideal day to organize a gathering of friends, with a few fascinating newcomers thrown in for good measure. This more than anything will do something to spice up your love life, and perhaps encourage you to get to know a different kind of person, rather than always sticking with those with the same interests.

Taurus Apr 20- May 20: The energy of the day encourages you to seduce your current favorite person through the power of conversation. You always have plenty to say, but you may do better to be a little more mysterious, and not to give so much of yourself away in one go. Do it slowly and tantalizingly, like a rose unfolding. Others will be drawn to you and will want to continue figuring you out.

Gemini May 21- Jun 20: You would be better to tune into yourself and try and discover your more lighthearted and youthful side if you want to make the most of today. The energy of the day encourages you to be more fluid and flexible, and this will help you create the right approach in order to attract the perfect love interest. Practice loosening up, do things you wouldn't normally do. Have a ball!

Cancer Jun 21- Jul 22: The energy of the day encourages you to align yourself with those who have different or even opposing sets of ideals from those you usually associate with. The benefit of this is that you will meet people who widen your capacity to understand, think, and reflect on issues. Relationships in this climate will be very different and exciting, and could offer you more than you are now experiencing.

Leo Jul 23- Aug 22: You will feel more inclined to let someone special know how you feel about them today. If you feel confident enough to do this personally, then create a special atmosphere and invite them over. Otherwise try writing a beautiful heartfelt letter, or even some poetry to set their hearts on fire, and make them want to discover more of your hidden secrets.

Virgo Aug 23- Sept 22: Time to get out and about enjoying all the benefits of an active social life. The energy of the day makes you want to talk to anyone and everyone, whether this is while traveling to work, having a coffee in a cafe, or even by meeting new friends over the Internet. One special meeting may hold quite a lot of meaning for you and come as quite a surprise.

Libra Sept 24- Oct 22: The celestial alignment may make you feel hopelessly in love. While this is certainly a delightful experience and one that you will no doubt be hopeful to have last as long as possible, you would also be advised to get a more balanced viewpoint of your condition, if love can be called such. No one is perfect, and to admit this now may save you heartbreak later.

Scorpio Oct 23- Nov 21: You may be fated to meet someone very interesting today whom you find so mysterious and intriguing that your endless curiosity is running wild trying to find out more about them. You love to talk and ask questions, but the kind of knowledge you seek is not always found in conversation. There are other ways and means of communicating one to the other, which may yield a different quality of information!

Sagittarius Nov 22- Dec 21: This is a magical day for love and romance. Yet it could also be a day when you understand how you have been deluding yourself with respect to certain aspects of your partner (current or prospective)'s behavior. You may have thought that when they said or did a certain thing they were doing it to annoy you, when in fact they only had your interests at heart.

Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 19: If you want to impress someone special, then there are quite a number of ways that you can go about this. You can either make yourself out to be something that you are not. Or you can be exactly as you are, which is hard, yet ultimately impresses people far more as they feel at ease with your natural way of expression.

Aquarius Jan 20- Feb 18: The celestial alignment may encourage you to think of some more imaginative ways to spend time with your partner (current or prospective) than the ones you normally employ. Rather than worrying whether they will think you are some kind of freak, just be open and honest, and say you would like to do such and such, or go to this certain place. Rather than being criticized, you will be praised.

Pisces Feb 19- Mar 20: Love and romance are highlighted today. You are known for your very apt and timely romantic gestures, and so can work on something special, whether for someone new or your permanent partner. As you are often very fluid in your mode of expression, being able to write, draw, paint, or make things, you have a thousand and one ways to show your feelings.

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